Sunday afternoon, glorious weather, it's quite busy in the beer garden. The staff's got its hands full, but still there are some waiting times.
At table #17, taking the order is once again particularly tedious. Here, two elderly couples, in the presence of the waitress, devise a differentiated plan ("if you take the sausage platter, I'll order the cheese. Or rather a schnitzel? Fred, what do you think?").
Our hard-working service staff has of course already noticed the group of ladies two tables away. They have been sitting for ten minutes and would like to order, but table 31 would have to be collected beforehand, and the family at table 24 has also been waving for some time.
At such busy times you would have to have ten waiters, but where to get them? Good staff is hard to come by, and anyway, who's going to pay for it?
With tap4drink, our electronic ordering system for restaurants and delivery services, your guests simply order themselves. After all, (almost) everyone has a smartphone these days.
Instead of passing the time on Facebook or Instagram until the waiter finally arrives, your guests simply scan the individually designed table display, select food and drinks from the electronic menu and send off the order with a single click.
If they are in a hurry or don't have any cash on them, they can pay directly with PayPal if you wish. So they can order another round right away, even if the train is coming soon.
Waiting times are avoided, staff are spared and guests are made happy. Optimal not only for language barriers and an international audience, because there can be an image for each category and product. This whets thirst and appetite and increases sales.
Every order lands immediately at your counter. This works with any notebook or tablet, without expensive special hardware.
Because each table has a stand or sticker with individual QR code, orders are are assigned directly to the respective table and can be prepared and delivered immediately. Depending on requirements, incoming orders can be displayed on one or or more displays, for example drinks at the bar and food in the kitchen.
tap4drink allows the integration of receipt printers and can also be connected directly to your cash register system, provided that it is technically suitable. Just talk to us, we're happy to help you with the setup at any time.
Particularly in the case of larger locations, this makes work considerably easier for the staff. distances are saved and throughput is increased. This pays off and word of good service gets around quickly.
The table stands or stickers can be individually designed and adapted to the style and theme of your venue. Whether as a display, sticker or simple flyer, we have the right solution for everyone.
tap4drink is particularly suitable for businesses with large or complex areas, such as
Nobody's got too much money, at least we haven't met anyone who claimed that. That's why we've made it especially easy and inexpensive to get started with tap4drink. There are no setup fees, instead you can try out the complete system free of charge and without obligation for a full month.
Test the entire system free of charge and without obligation for a full month.
Your restaurant also offers delivery or takeout? Have a look at our Ordering system for delivery services.
You can also find further information in our Feature list and our FAQ. Or simply contact us, together we'll find the optimal solution for your business.